They partner with their local community!

At, Superintendant John Konen wrote that one of the strongest indicators of thriving schools is if, and how, they partner with the surrounding community.

When it comes to a common goal, schools and community partners — businesses, organizations, and educational resource providers — should be in agreement. He said, “Most of these partnerships have congruent goals: support student learning and development.”

Here are two ways that we believe a school can be supported by its community:

Real-World Experience

One way that Learnwell approaches education is by partnering with local nonprofits, businesses, and learning-based groups to give students real-world experiences.

Students get to see a business in action when they visit Learnwell to highlight a product or service they offer; some of our previous partnerships have included a science lab and a popsicle stand. While both were popular and fun for our students, they also modeled the importance of collaboration between a school and its community.

High school students at Learnwell explore careers by job shadowing at local businesses to see if their interest level matches up with the real-world experience within their chosen career. Students in high school complete four per year where they either job shadow, become an intern, or start their own entrepreneurial enterprise (senior year).

Leadership Development

Students at Learnwell North Georgia can start building leadership skills at a young age. Students as young as 5 are leading clubs. With some coaching from our club coordinator, students at every grade level are offered the opportunity to teach their peers about a skill, talent, or subject area that interests them.

Leading an interest-based club gives our students the opportunity to practice collaboration, presentation, and problem-solving skills — which they’ll need in the workforce, for continuing education, and when shadowing businesses as Learnwell high school students.

Our young leaders also meet with their club coordinator to help them evaluate their leadership experience.

Partnerships give students access to the heart of the community where they live: business, government, and nonprofit. Whether it’s a chance to serve through a local nonprofit organization, an internship with a local company, or just understanding how a business works, partnerships fuel a love of learning that gives students a firm foundation for their future.

Interested in learning more about a Learnwell education? Join us at our next hybrid school parent information night, Discover Learnwell. You can also find out more about how we partner with homeschooling families around the world through the Navigator Program.