Cori Panyard, Lead Teacher: 5th Grade

Dec 18, 2022 | Faculty, Navigator Team

Partnering with our Learnwell families has been an incredible privilege, and I’m so excited for this coming school year! I was born in Indiana, but moved every 18 months or so through my middle and high school years, bouncing between various parts of Indiana, North Carolina and Florida. I studied Early Childhood and Special Education at Ball State University where I was able to spend a year living, learning and teaching at the Indiana School for the Deaf, and enjoyed the opportunity to work with many exceptional children in and out of ISD.

Ultimately, I graduated from Ball State in 2007 with a BA in Interpersonal Communication, and after several years working with a business development team in corporate America I was afforded the opportunity to spend nearly a decade using both areas of study as the Kids Director for Roswell Community Church. After the pleasure of leading our 4th and 5th grade students these past two years, I am excited to be continuing my work with 4th and 5th grade families again, and growing all our students’ enrichment opportunities as Learnwell’s Special Programs Coordinator.

I am passionate about partnering with families and equipping parents and students to thrive, and thrilled to continue serving our Learnwell community. In my down time I love reading, creating and exploring with my 10– and 12-year-old girls, as well as slowly but surely renovating our home in Woodstock with my husband, Michael.