Todd Miechiels, StoryLab Director/Partner

Nov 4, 2024 | Faculty

Hi my name is Todd Miechiels.  I’m originally from Michigan but moved to Atlanta in 1992 to pursue a career in music. Both of my parents were elementary school teachers. They didn’t know (nor did I) that I had A.D.D. So while they loved and supported me dearly, they also thought I was lazy and unmotivated.

After giving it my best in music and with a wife and three little kids at home, I entered the marketplace as an internet marketing consultant for about 20 years. Then I got called into ministry to help people know and share their testimony using the power of video.  I noticed that most churches weren’t helping their people do this and I felt a burden to do something about it.  Churches would tell me they didn’t have the time to do it and I always thought the young people in the church would be incredible in helping capture stories if they were given the opportunity. 

In 2010 I launched The 3:15 Project (based on 1 Peter 3:15) and continue that work today through the Story Stewardship Foundation.

The Story Lab at Learnwell is an incredible opportunity to experiment and learn what students are capable of when we give them the encouragement and equipping to help people tell their story.

My parents, now both in heaven must be getting a big ol’ kick out of seeing their son, famous for giving all of his teachers a run for their money, is now teaching himself.  #neversaynever Ephesians 3:20