What grades do you accept at Learnwell?
For the 2024-2025 school year, we accept students in kindergarten through 10th grade. We will add one grade per year up through 12th grade.
How do you measure progress?
In kindergarten through 7th grade, our teachers walk side-by-side with parents to equip them with everything needed for their children to master the skills and knowledge they are learning. Our staff will equip parents to create a mastery-based report card should that be needed or desired.
Our older students will graduate with a transcript that shows completion of the core academic requirements set by the Georgia Department of Education. More importantly, they will graduate with a portfolio of work and experiences that have provided them with a solid foundation of learning and work habits.
Do you accept students with special needs?
In many cases, yes. We do not have faculty members available to offer one-on-one support in the classroom. However, we can often assist parents in providing for their children accommodations to the curriculum and at-home lesson plans.
Our Learnwell Navigator Program offers special needs support. Find out more HERE.
Is Learnwell a faith-based school?
Yes. We believe that our children are a gift from God. We also believe that parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children’s education prepares them well for life. Our children have been given gifts, talents, and passions, and an academic education should provide opportunities to discover and grow in these areas.
Is Learnwell accredited?
Learnwell is accredited through the Georgia Accrediting Commission.