Why Accreditation Is Important

Why Accreditation Is Important

If you’ve ever looked at hybrid schools near you, accreditation is important. But why? Accreditation is kind of like having a set of family boundaries that all family members agree to — things that are foundational to how the family operates. You may have...
When Learning Is Boring

When Learning Is Boring

If your child would rather watch a YouTube video, go next door to a friend’s house, or play Xbox rather than learn, he is not alone. Students often complain that learning is boring. As our children grow, the enthusiasm for learning can wane — but the good...
Charlene Perez, Lead Teacher

Charlene Perez, Lead Teacher

I am originally from eastern Iowa where I graduated from Kirkwood College and Clarke University with degrees in Business Administration and Marketing Management. I’ve had a long career in Christian publishing, working on staff with Christianity Today International and...