Kayla Smolin, Lead Teacher: 1st Grade

Sep 5, 2023 | Faculty, Navigator Team

I am so excited to join the Learnwell family this school year!

 I grew up in Roswell and graduated from Roswell High School. I attended Valdosta State University and earned a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Early Childhood and Special Education (Prek-5). 

After graduating, I taught Special Education in John’s Creek for a few years. Following this I decided to take off on an adventure for one year and teach English at a small primary school in Wroclaw, Poland. Almost immediately after moving, I met my husband Grzegorz, and my one year in Poland turned into 8 years! After getting married and having two amazing kids, Charlie (5) and Connor(3), my husband and I decided it was time to head back to Georgia and put down some roots! 

In my years as a teacher, I have had the opportunity to teach all grades K-4. In doing so, I found that I have a special place in my heart for first and second grade! My favorite part of teaching is seeing the “light bulb” go off when students understand something that was difficult for them and the boost of confidence they get in this moment! 

I was very lucky to find this amazing community that has welcomed me with open arms. It is going to be a fantastic year in first grade!