
how it works:

Days on Campus

You’ll bring your children to campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays OR Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. They’ll have the opportunity to continue learning new skills from the homeschool curriculum alongside their peers and under the highly-qualified and experienced guidance of their teacher.

At-Home Days

You’ll log into your myLearnwell portal, where you will find the lesson plan for the week, as well as any supplementary materials you’ll need.

You’ll also find videos from your teacher, especially when they want to provide extra support for you in what you’ll be teaching your child that week.


We update our curriculum annually based on our teacher and parent feedback, what we feel will serve our students best at each grade level, and our curriculum team’s research. Our team of experienced educators has selected the best of parent-friendly homeschool curriculum for you, and you’ll gather all of the materials you’ll need before school begins in August.

Request our curriculum list HERE.


Have a Rising Kindergartener?


We’ve put together some great resources for you, including a Kindergarten Readiness Checklist!

Find out more about Learnwell’s wonderful kindergarten program, where your child will have fun at school and you’ll receive everything you need to continue the learning fun at home.


  • Each grade level aligns with the “best of” state and national academic standards. These are wrapped into the Learnwell Scope and Sequence.
  • Learnwell has developed its own homeschool curriculum in science and social studies. This helps you in two ways:
  1. It makes your life easier – you can teach all of your children at the same time.
  2. You can rest assured knowing that each child will get the proper exposure to history, geography, and scientific exploration.

Teaching in Partnership

  • You are NOT a homework helper for your children on your at-home days. You are a valuable co-teacher alongside your Learnwell teacher.
  • Our teachers invest time helping you be the best teacher you can be for your child. That’s why they develop weekly coaching videos and support you via email during the week when you have questions pertaining to your child and his/her learning needs.


  • We know that students thrive academically when they’re also thriving socially. These two needs are not opposing; they’re both valuable for student growth.
  • At Learnwell, we know that community for parents is also vital. We will give you opportunities to connect with other parents in your child’s class, in your child’s grade, and in the broader Learnwell community.

Find out more about where our students are heading in middle school and high school at the buttons below.